New pattern online: Calcifer hexagon

I finally made it to finish the German translation of my Calcifer pattern, yay! It’s so much work and no fun at all *meh* I’m thinking about only publishing the English pattern in future but I feel bad about it as there aren’t a lot of geeky German crochet patterns around.
But without too much blah blah, here it comes: The fifth pattern of my Studio Ghibli crochet hexagon series! Calcifer from Howl’s Moving Castle.
Crochet puppy Hachiko by amiguruMEI

I’ve got the great opportunity to test a pattern for the gorgeous Mei Li Lee from amiguruMEI! You may know her from the crochet book Hello Kitty Crochet (Amazon link). If you love Sanrio and if you do love to crochet, too you do absolutely need this book, trust me!
The pattern testing was for her cute little puppy pattern named »Hachiko«. It was my first attempt of using fuzzy yarn and thanks to the photo tutorial showing how to handle this kind of yarn it was a piece of cake!
I’ve been using Schachenmayr Baby Smiles Lenja Soft, Catania Grande and Cotton Time for little Hachiko.
More Poogie, more Monster Hunter!

Yeah, I’m still alive and I haven’t been all crafty lazy at all. I just have been photo and blog editing lazy lately. As I started optimizing my blog design bit by bit I also decided to get some photos together of the things I crafted since last summer. And as Monster Hunter World is going to be released by the end of the week it is the perfect timing to show you two more crochet Amigurumi Poogies I did.
New pattern online: No-face hexagon

And there it is, the fourth pattern of my Studio Ghibli hexagon crochet series: No-face. You will know this character from Spirited away (Amazon link) for sure. It’s such a great movie! I have watched it so many times but I can’t get enough of it. Another one of my most favorite Studio Ghibli movies. Yes I know, I use to say this about so many Ghibli movies. (^_^)#
Now as there is only Calcifer left to post a pattern of it I might take a little break to finish my Mononoke hexagon first. I already have a plan for doing a hexagon of the Cat bus from Totoro! But first things first.
New pattern online: Jiji hexagon

I thought I wouldn’t make it to publish another pattern this week but it’s so much fun sharing the Ghibli hexagon patterns. I know that some of you have been waiting for this one the most. So as I didn’t want to keep you on tenterhooks I changed the order in which I wanted to proof read and publish my patterns. Have fun crocheting your cute Jiji hexagon! ♡
I still love to hear about your suggestions. Which Studio Ghibli character would you love to be added to this series? Just tell me in the comments!
New pattern online: Soot Sprite hexagon

The second pattern of my Studio Ghibli themed hexagon series is online and I picked another easy one, the Soot Sprite!
The only more time consuming part in this is the additional round which is giving the edge a neat fluffy look. But I dare to say that the Soot Sprite is more quick to crochet than Totoro.
I still love to hear about your suggestions. Which Studio Ghibli character would you love to be added to this series? Just tell me in the comments! I’ve got some suggestions via ravelry and that’s why I will add Cat Bus from My neighbor Totoro (Amazon link) to my to do list. Another suggestions was Haku from Spirited away (Amazon link) but this will be a tricky one to put into a hexagon. But I will try my best anyway! (^_^)#
New pattern online: Totoro hexagon

The first pattern of my Studio Ghibli themed hexagon series is online and it is … Totoro!
It’s so much fun creating these hexagons. I love to think about your suggestions. Which Studio Ghibli character would you love to be added to this series? Just tell me in the comments! (^_^)
The next one will be No-face I guess. Or maybe the Soot Sprite? Well, we will see. I already took photos of all of the existing hexagons so this shouldn’t be the problem.